How Strange It Is That Some People Are Able To Make So Much Money From Such Simple Things

how strange it is that some people are able to make so much money from such simple things online like short three minute songs. Some industries just make more money and have more potential customers in them, that is just the way it is and if you want to do better you should figure out a way to move into those big industries. Some niches are so lucrative because they have such mass appeal, everyone likes music. American Idol is the most watched show on the planet because people like to watch people sing, it is just a fact and something you have to accept and look for other things that you can sell that have mass appeal. People in the music industry make so much money because all seven billion people in this world like music, so pick a topic that has a lot of interest so you have a good shot at doing well even if you only capture a small amount of the market share. When you are picking niches and creating products, you have to really think about how many people would be interested in it.
Posted on 6:45 AM by Unknown and filed under | 0 Comments »

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